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Pleasant weather in Alibag and abundant rain, Due to this, different crops are grown here in different seasons flourishing the Farming at Alibag . Right from the beginning of rain till the month of May, the farmers are continuously harvesting one or the other crop in the fields here. Many crops such as food grains, pulses, various types of vegetables, fruits, flowers, white onions, coconuts, betel nuts are grown here throughout the year.

White Onion from Alibag

White Onion

White onion from Alibaug is world-famous. It is totally white with a sweet taste and medicinal properties. Alibaug is known for its white onion equally as its exotic beaches. Their flavour is different from the onions grown in other regions. This white onion is characterised by its white color with ...


Watermelon is the fruit that will quench your thirst in the summers. Hence, it is known as summer cooler. Its cooling agents provide relaxation and respite from the burning sun. It is a large fruit with a sweet watery red pulp inside the hard rind. It is very popular among all ...
Vaal - field beans

Vaal (Field beans)

Vaal beans is widely grown in Raigad district, mainly, Alibaug and nearby region. Farming – It is cultivated during Rabi season. Once the harvesting of rice crop is completed after Dassehra or Diwali festival,the field is prepared thoroughly by giving two to three ploughings using tractor. The soil is turned ...


कोकणातील हवामान, जमीन आणि भरपूर पडणारा पाऊस भाताच्या पिकाला पूरक आहे. अलिबाग मधील शेतकरी भात शेती प्रामुख्याने करताना आढळतो. खार व निमखार जमिनीत भाताचे पिक घेता येते. कोलम, रत्ना, जया, सुवर्णा, इंद्रायणी, अश्या अनेक जातींचा तांदूळ इथे पिकवला जातो. भाताची शेती करताना १२ ते १५ सेमी खोल जमीन नांगरली जाते ...
Monsoon Vegetables

Monsoon Vegetables

In the month of June while Monsoon starts at Alibag, there are many plants, leafy vegetables can be seen in and around Alibag on the hills & nearest forests. These leafy greens are available only for 2 to 3 weeks. Many vegetables have medicinal properties. Generally, when the rains start, ...


Alphanso – The king of fruits. Alibaug and its surroundings are home to numerous mango trees, as well as a wide variety of mangoes and flavors. Due to the environment and fertile land of the original Konkan, the authentic Konkan taste has come here, especially to the Alphanso mangoes. In ...


When you think of Konkan what pictures in front of you are the vast green coconut groves. Coconut are the pride of Konkan. They grow straight tall and are surmounted with a graceful crown giant feather like leaves. These trees grow from a central point on the top called an ...

Betel Nut (supari)

The Konkan coast is a delight to the eyes with blue Arabian Sea on one side and thick green blanket of trees on the other. The palm trees constitute a major part of this green blanket. Most houses in Alibag and other Konkan region have a large plantation of palm ...

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